Here you can find an overview of all cards that are available in our app.
A shortened version (without pictures and short descriptions) can be found here.
Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up every night and may set a question and a medium which reads the question out aloud in the beginning of the day, which is then answered by the game master. These questions yield information about werewolves. May not choose the same player as medium in two consecutive nights. Continue…
Goal: Kill all werewolves. Builds a trap in front of a player’s house every night until she is successful. If the werewolves choose the player with the trap as a victim, the nearest werewolf to her left dies. She may not choose the same player two nights in a row. Continue reading “Trapper”…
Wolf Child
Goal: As long as the role model lives: Kill all werewolves. If the role model has died: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up during the first night to choose another player as a role model. Sleeps through until the role model is dead. From there wakes up with the werewolves each night.…