Card Overview

Here you can find an overview of all cards that are available in our app.
A shortened version (without pictures and short descriptions) can be found here.


  • Big Bad Wolf

    Big Bad Wolf

    Goal: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up with the werewolves each night. Can choose a second victim each night until the first werewolf is dead. Continue reading “Big Bad Wolf”…

  • Primeval Wolf

    Primeval Wolf

    Goal: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up with the werewolves every night. May infect the victim of the werewolves once during the game so it becomes a werewolf instead of dying. Continue reading “Primeval Wolf”…

  • Pyromaniac


    Goal: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Can permanently annihilate the abilities of one player. Doesn’t wake up with the werewolves, but they know each other. Continue reading “Pyromaniac”…

  • Werewolf


    Goal: Kill all villagers together with the other werewolves. Wakes up once during night and (together with the other werewolves) silently chooses a victim among the villagers by pointing at them. Continue reading “Werewolf”…

  • Werewolf with Tic

    Werewolf with Tic

    Goal: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wake up with the werewolves. Has to say “werewolf” once during the first day, otherwise he dies. Continue reading “Werewolf with Tic”…

  • Yeti


    Goal: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up every night and is allowed to freeze one person. Doesn’t wake up with the werewolves, but they know of each other. Continue reading “Yeti”…


  • Actor


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Chooses a different skillset each night. Continue reading “Actor”…

  • Bear Commander

    Bear Commander

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Only wakes up during the first night to show himself to the game master. If at least one of his direct living neighbors is a werewolf, everyone is informed at the onset of a new day. Continue reading “Bear Commander”…

  • Black Cat

    Black Cat

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up together with the witch each night and can observe her decisions. Continue reading “Black Cat”…

  • Blinking Girl

    Blinking Girl

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. May spy inconspicuously during the werewolf phase but may not pretend to be a werewolf. Continue reading “Blinking Girl”…

  • Cupid


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Determines a couple of lovers on the first night that can win the game together. Wins with the village and with the lovers. Continue reading “Cupid”…

  • Doge


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Only wakes up during the first night to find out how many werewolves are in one half of the village. Continue reading “Doge”…

  • Fox


    Goal: Kill all Werewolves. Wakes up every night and learns if there is at least one werewolf among three neighboring people. Looses its ability if all three of them are non-werewolves Continue reading “Fox”…

  • Hunter


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. When he dies, he has to kill a player. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Hunter”…

  • Jester


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Does not die if elected by vote, but loses voting rights. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Jester”…

  • Judge


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Can call for a second vote once during the day. Sleeps through from the second night on. Continue reading “Judge”…

  • Mistress


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and chooses a player where she spends it, but not two nights in a row at the same player. If the visited player is devoured by the werewolves, she dies instead. Can not be devoured directly. Continue reading “Mistress”…

  • Noble Knight

    Noble Knight

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. If victim of a werewolf attack, the werewolf on his left dies after the following night. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Noble Knight”…

  • Nun


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and may silence a group of her choice once in the game. This group then isn’t allowed to participate during the discussion and the vote the following day. Continue reading “Nun”…

  • Owl


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and gets to choose a player to learn who they pointed at, but not the same player two nights in a row. Continue reading “Owl”…

  • Protector


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and can protect someone from the attack of the werewolves, but not the same person for two nights in a row. Continue reading “Protector”…

  • Raven


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Each night, he wakes up and may choose one player who is going to have two votes against them the following day. May not choose the same player for two consecutive nights. Continue reading “Raven”…

  • Revealed Soul

    Revealed Soul

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Identity is visible to everyone. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Revealed Soul”…

  • Scapegoat


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. If the result of a vote is a tie, he dies instead. In this case he may silence parts of the village for the next vote. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Scapegoat”…

  • Seer’s Apprentice

    Seer’s Apprentice

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up in the first night together with the seeress and then sleeps through. Once the seeress has died, he and takes over her ability. Continue reading “Seer’s Apprentice”…

  • Seeress


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Gets to know the faction or identity of a chosen player each night. Continue reading “Seeress”…

  • Spirit


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up every night and may set a question and a medium which reads the question out aloud in the beginning of the day, which is then answered by the game master. These questions yield information about werewolves. May not choose the same player as medium in two consecutive nights. Continue…

  • Three Musketeers

    Three Musketeers

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. They wake up every second night (or less often) and are allowed to communicate for a short (!) time. Continue reading “Three Musketeers”…

  • Trapper


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Builds a trap in front of a player’s house every night until she is successful. If the werewolves choose the player with the trap as a victim, the nearest werewolf to her left dies. She may not choose the same player two nights in a row. Continue reading “Trapper”…

  • Twins


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. They wake up every second night (or less often) and are allowed to communicate. Continue reading “Twins”…

  • Villager


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Villager”…

  • Wise Old Man

    Wise Old Man

    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Wakes up during the first night to show himself to the game master. Survives one werewolf attack. If he is killed by the vote of the village, all villagers lose their abilities. Continue reading “Wise Old Man”…

  • Witch


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. Sees the victim of the werewolves every night. May heal this victim once per game. Can kill a player of her choice once per game. Continue reading “Witch”…


  • Opportunist


    Goal: Kill all werewolves. May take the identity of the player eliminated through vote. Afterwards takes the goal and abilities of this player. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Opportunist”…

  • Shapeshifter


    Goal: Can choose a new identity at the beginning of the game. Then has to fulfil the goal of this identity. Continue reading “Shapeshifter”…

  • Wolf Child

    Wolf Child

    Goal: As long as the role model lives: Kill all werewolves. If the role model has died: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up during the first night to choose another player as a role model. Sleeps through until the role model is dead. From there wakes up with the werewolves each night.…

  • Wolfhound


    Goal: Either kill all villagers together with the werewolves kill or all werewolves together with the villagers. Can decide whether he plays as a werewolf or as a villager. Continue reading “Wolfhound”…


  • Fallen Angel

    Fallen Angel

    Goal: Die in the vote of the first day. If that fails, proceed as a normal villager. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Fallen Angel”…

  • Grouchy Old Man

    Grouchy Old Man

    Goal: Kill all players of the opposing group. The groups are set by a binary attribute in the beginning of the game. Sleeps through. Continue reading “Grouchy Old Man”…

  • Lonesome Wolf

    Lonesome Wolf

    Goal: Kill everyone else without exception. Wakes up with the werewolves each night. Wakes up every other night and is allowed to kill a werewolf. Continue reading “Lonesome Wolf”…

  • Pied Piper

    Pied Piper

    Goal: Enchants two players every night and solely wins the game once all players (except the pied piper himself) are enchanted. The enchanted players wake up every night to recognize each other. Continue reading “Pied Piper”…