
Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up every night and is allowed to freeze one person. Doesn’t wake up with the werewolves, but they know of each other.


Either kill all villagers together with the werewolves kill or all werewolves together with the villagers. Can decide whether he plays as a werewolf or as a villager.

Wolf Child

As long as the role model lives: Kill all werewolves. If the role model has died: Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up during the first night to choose another player as a role model. Sleeps through until the role model is dead. From there wakes up with the werewolves each night.


Kill all werewolves. Sees the victim of the werewolves every night. May heal this victim once per game. Can kill a player of her choice once per game.

Wise Old Man

Kill all werewolves. Wakes up during the first night to show himself to the game master. Survives one werewolf attack. If he is killed by the vote of the village, all villagers lose their abilities.


Kill all villagers together with the other werewolves. Wakes up once during night and (together with the other werewolves) silently chooses a victim among the villagers by pointing at them.


Kill all werewolves. Builds a trap in front of a player’s house every night until she is successful. If the werewolves choose the player with the trap as a victim, the nearest werewolf to her left dies. She may not choose the same player two nights in a row.


Kill all werewolves. Wakes up every night and may set a question and a medium which reads the question out aloud in the beginning of the day, which is then answered by the game master. These questions yield information about werewolves. May not choose the same player as medium in two consecutive nights.


Kill all werewolves. Each night, he wakes up and may choose one player who is going to have two votes against them the following day. May not choose the same player for two consecutive nights.

Pied Piper

Enchants two players every night and solely wins the game once all players (except the pied piper himself) are enchanted. The enchanted players wake up every night to recognize each other.


Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and gets to choose a player to learn who they pointed at, but not the same player two nights in a row.


Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and may silence a group of her choice once in the game. This group then isn’t allowed to participate during the discussion and the vote the following day.


Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and chooses a player where she spends it, but not two nights in a row at the same player. If the visited player is devoured by the werewolves, she dies instead. Can not be devoured directly.


Kill all Werewolves. Wakes up every night and learns if there is at least one werewolf among three neighboring people. Looses its ability if all three of them are non-werewolves


Kill all werewolves. Determines a couple of lovers on the first night that can win the game together. Wins with the village and with the lovers.