Playing with the App


When managing a game using this app, as the game master you should add all players who are going to participate. We recommend doing this in the beginning of a game night (or maybe even before that once you know who is coming over). In the player selection screen, you can even sort them in the order they sit in if you want. This gives you a better overview during the game and might affect how some of the cards are handled, so make sure to specify in the game settings whether the order corresponds to the physical order.
Now, you have two options:
1) If you are playing with physical cards, you can either select the cards you want to play with from your physical card deck and then add them in the application’s card selection, or you can reate a balanced village using the card selection or a pre-defined card set of this app first, and then pick them from your physical deck so you can randomly distribute these to the players. In this case, you won’t know the identities of the players and have to assign them in the app during the course of the game (some cards like simple villagers might never be assigned, then).
2) If you are not playing with physical cards, you can just choose a set of cards in the card selection and start the game, but make sure to enable the in-app random distribution of the cards. In this case, you need to show each player their identity after the game has started, which you can do by tapping corresponding button in the overview or the ‘eye’-icon in the upper left once the game is started. We recommend to let everyone close their eyes for this so you can call them one by one.
Before you start, you should check the card-specific settings, e. g. the revealing mode you have chosen for the seeress, depending on the variants you’d like to play with.
Once you have started the game, all relevant scenes will be called in the right order. Swiping to the left or tapping the button with the arrow pointing right will take you to the next scene.
Tap the scene-specific symbols in the attribute bar at the bottom of the screen to select them. Once they are selected (red outline), you can assign them to the players.
In the settings (gear symbol) you may set whether the app should notify you when attributes have been assigned incorrectly or when players die at the beginning of a day (we recommend keeping it on).

Direct hints for you to master the game with the app

  • Before using this application in-game for the first time, familiarize yourself with it. We especially recommend a test run before playing with the actor, the opportunist, the seeress, the wise old man and the noble knight.
  • If individual sounds from our app bother you, you can selectively mute them in the descriptions of the characters. Non-character-related sounds can be muted below.
  • In the settings, you may also set the mean time between these sound effects and many other useful things.
  • Before the start of the game, show and explain all of the cards you are going to play with.
  • Don’t introduce too many cards at once – especially new players might be confused.
  • Before the game, declare which variants are used so nobody has to ask during the game.
  • If a new player is not familiar with their character card, offer to meet them in another room to give them a brief explanation of the card refer to this app or our website:)
  • Before calling a new scene, always make sure that all players have their eyes closed.
  • Try not to provide information about the people waking up. When calling, it is advisable to stick to the gender of the identity (i.e. you shouldn’t suddenly call “the seer”).
  • Try not to directly talk to the players that are awake while talking – usually it works best to speak while walking in circles.
  • Try to keep the phases about the same length during the game so the players do not get any information about the actions taken (i.e. the witch will often have a quick decision, but if she uses her potions this may take longer)
  • If you need to tap players (i.e. the lover or the infected), you can ask everyone to extend one hand. This makes tapping the right players easier. Always do a full round here, regardless of whether you are already done.
  • Do not refrain from admonishing sleeping or dead players if they disturb the rest of the group.
    The “Dead” attribute can be distributed during the day to permanently remove players from the game. If their card is in the game only once, they are no longer called at night.
    This cause of death is selected by default whenever a player is killed using the “Dead” attribute.


If your players want to look up the rules or their cards, you can refer them to this website ( Especially the card overview might be useful for them to look at the details of their cards.