

Quick start

On this website you’ll find some information that is also available in our Werewolf – Narrator app. This might be useful in case you are playing with some players new to the game who might want to inconspicuously look up cards – you might want to refer them to our card overview.
If you instead want to recap on an explanation of the game and the basic rules, read the description of the game.
A summary of our recommendations on how to best use the app is available on the playing with the app section of this website.

What does this app even do?

Good question!
Our app will enable you to keep a comprehensive overview on your werewolf games.
For this, you’ll only need to add the players and the cards you’re planning to play with, and you’re ready to go. The app will then guide you through the scenes of the game and allows to mark each player with their card and attributes.
But this is not all – the app also provides an ominous soundtrack, more than 200 sound effects tailored to the different scenes, a game overview allowing you to concisely explain all the relevant facts for the upcoming game, a mode to randomly assign the cards, an ending screen showing the events of the passed game, and much more.

Don’t miss out on any news!

Using the following link you may join our Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/7FGX98cwW7
Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest stuff that is happening, you may provide direct feedback and can even hand in your own descriptions of card sets 🙂

A short history

Maybe you also wondered how this app came to be (and if not, you can’t stop us from writing about it here anyways…).
The app Werewolf – Narrator has been our beloved side project for the past few years now. We started catering the idea all the way back in 2015. Since we have regularly been playing werewolf (also with some of the more complex cards), we quickly realized that support for the game master might be of some use, especially for bigger player and card pools.
Of course you can easily write down the most important details (like who is in love, protected, victim or whatever else) simply on a piece of paper, but let’s be honest – nowadays there’s an app for everything, so why not try one for this task?
Because of other projects, the realization of this project then only really started when the corona pandemic hit in 2020, when we suddenly faced the unusual freedom of having too much free time. Without this, the app might have never become such an extensive project, particularly because we had almost no prior programming experience, and the conception of more than 50 carefully crafted character arts and attribute icons also takes a good amount of time.
In any case, we hope that we can enrich your werewolf games as much as we are enriching our own ones!

Sanne, Colin und Fabian

By the way, we discuss any further questions here!