
Kill all werewolves. Each night, he wakes up and may choose one player who is going to have two votes against them the following day. May not choose the same player for two consecutive nights.

Detailed description

The raven is always up to date with gossip – at least in his opinion. He can anonymously accuse one suspect every night. This person then automatically has two votes against her or him in the following vote and they can be voted for even if there is no further accuse during the discussion.


1) The mayor and the policeman may not be accused.

Hints for the game master and further rules

The raven may accuse himself, but not the same person for two nights in a row.
You should adjust the number of negative votes considering the total number of players.

Hints for using this in the app

The person accused in the previous night automatically receives the attribute “Accused last night”. In the card settings, you may specify whether you want to be reminded of the accused person in the beginning of a new day.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Hold back on charges in the beginning of the game so you don’t accidentally condemn innocent villagers.


  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the raven, she is free to choose whom to accuse the following night.
  • Judge: The raven’s indictment letter also counts in the judge’s additional vote.
  • Scapegoat: The two additional votes by the indictment letter count toward a tie.