
Kill all werewolves. May take the identity of the player eliminated through vote. Afterwards takes the goal and abilities of this player. Sleeps through.

Detailed description

The opportunist has always been waiting for the chance to finally live an exciting, adventurous life. At the end of each vote, she may consider whether she wants to impersonate the convicted villager. In this case, she flips her card over and continues playing with that player’s identity. If the opportunist is in the game, everyone involved including the game master must always ask whether the opportunist wants to take over before revealing an identity after a vote. All special abilities that come with the acquisition of the new card can be used as if it were the beginning of the game.


1) She retains all the qualities (i.e. being infected, enchanted etc.) that she already has.
2) If the opportunist is in love, she can not use her ability because the power of love makes her forget the desire to become someone else.
3) If the opportunist was mayor before the card was taken over, she must pass on this status and may not keep it.
4) The opportunist may, if she becomes Cupid, determine a second pair of lovers. In this case, the Cupid scene must be called after a takeover.

Hints for the game master and further rules

Pay attention and remind the players as often as possible that the opportunist is in the game.
After taking over, leave the room together with the former opportunist to discuss everything necessary (see below). You should take the shapeshifter’s cards with you.
If the eliminated player was mayor, they pass on their card as normal.

Hints for using this in the app

If the opportunist is in the game, a message appears when the dead player is assigned his/her card. An option for the opportunist to take over the player’s card shows up as well. If she does so, the game master can select who which player was the former opportunist. This person then automatically receives the identity of the deceased player. In addition, all possible attributes for the game appear in the attribute bar below so the game master can assign them correctly.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

It is better to wait too long than to prematurely take the identity of a suspicious person.


  • Cupid: If she falls in love, the opportunist can continue to use her ability. She remains in love after the change.
    The lovers die together before the opportunist gets to pick her new identity. Then, the opportunist may then choose one of the two available identities.
    If the opportunist becomes Cupid, she can designate a new pair of lovers. Therefore, Cupid must be called again the night after the takeover.
  • Protector: If the opportunist becomes the protector, she may freely choose whom to protect the following night.
  • Three musketeers: If the opportunist becomes a musketeer, she wakes up with the others the next time.
  • Noble knight: If the opportunist becomes the noble knight, no werewolf dies, even though the original noble knight has died.
  • Lonesome wolf: If the opportunist becomes the lonesome wolf, she pursues its game goal and wakes up the next regular time to devour more werewolves.
  • Owl: If the opportunist becomes the owl, she may freely choose whom to protect the following night.
  • Trapper: If the opportunist becomes the trapper, she is free to choose where to set up her trap the following night, and regains the ability if it was lost before.
  • Pyromaniac: If the opportunist becomes a pyromaniac, she can burn a person even if the pyromaniac had already used their ability.
    If the opportunist is burned, she cannot change her identity anymore.
  • Fox: If the opportunist becomes a fox, she has its full abilities again, regardless of whether the previous fox had already lost them.
  • Fallen angel: If the fallen angel dies in the first vote, he gets to reveal his card and wins, even if the opportunist is in play.
  • Shapeshifter: If the opportunist becomes the shapeshifter because the shapeshifter did not choose one of the two identities, she is a normal villager from now on. If the game master chooses to leave the room with her, they can name her the spured identities.
  • Grouchy old man: If the opportunist becomes the grouchy old man, she must try to kill everyone who does not belong to her group.
  • Witch: If the opportunist becomes the witch, she again receives both potions.
  • Hunter: The opportunist cannot become the hunter because the latter still draws his rifle before she can react.
  • Mistress: If the opportunist becomes the mistress, she is free to choose whom to visit the following night.
  • Jester: If the jester dies via vote, he must reveal his identity and survives without voting rights, even if the opportunist is in play. If he dies otherwise, the opportunist can take over his identity.
  • Nun: If the opportunist becomes a nun, she may use her ability even if it has already been used.
  • Revealed soul: The opportunist can take over the identity of the revealed soul if it dies just as any other card.
  • Raven: If the opportunist becomes the raven, she is free to choose whom to accuse the following night.
  • Pied piper: If the opportunist becomes the pied piper, the game master tells her who is enchanted.
    Whether the person whose identity the opportunist assumes was enchanted or not has no bearing on whether she is enchanted herself; if she was before, she remains enchanted; if she was not, she remains not enchanted.
  • Judge: If the opportunist becomes the judge, she must agree on a new gesture with the game master and may use the ability again, even if a second vote has already taken place.
  • Actor: We recommend not to use the actor and opportunist in the same game. If you dare to do so anyways, the opportunist has free choice of his identities.
  • Seer’s apprentice: If the seer’s apprentice is in play, its scene is called again the following night if the seeress is still alive.
  • Spirit: If the opportunist becomes the spirit, she is free to choose who she wants to designate to become medium the following night.
  • Scapegoat: The opportunist cannot become the scapegoat if it dies due to a tie vote.
  • Primeval wolf: If the opportunist becomes the primeval wolf, she can infect a victim only if the primeval wolf has not already done so.
  • Wise old man: If the wise old man dies in the vote, he reveals his identity independently of the opportunist and all villagers lose their abilities. If the opportunist becomes the wise old man, she gets his toughness, but the village now also loses its abilities if she is chosen to die by vote.
  • Werewolf with tic: If the opportunist becomes a werewolf with tic, she only has to say “werewolf” on the first day if she gets the identity before or during the first day, but not after the final first vote.
  • Wolfhound: If the opportunist becomes a wolfhound, she may choose to be a werewolf or villager regardless of the wolfhound’s decision. She either tells the game master or the scene is called again after the takeover. Until she has decided, she counts as a villager and can win with the village.
  • Wolf child: If the opportunist becomes a wolf child, she must choose a new role model. She either tells this to the game master, or the scene is called again after the takeover. Until she has chosen, she counts as a villager and can win with the village.
  • Wolf shaman: If the opportunist becomes the wolf shaman, she may freely choose who to hide the following night.
  • Yeti: If the opportunist becomes a yeti, she may freely choose whom to freeze the following night.
    The opportunist cannot assume a new identity if she was frozen the previous night.
  • Twins: If the opportunist becomes one of the twins, she wakes up at the next regular time with the other.