Werewolf with Tic

Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wake up with the werewolves. Has to say “werewolf” once during the first day, otherwise he dies.

Detailed description

Since childhood, this special werewolf has been frowned upon by the pack, since he always has to follow the irresistible urge to say the word “werewolf” during the first day even before the vote. In his imagination, he conjures the spirits of all past werewolf generations for support. Unfortunately, this also makes himself quite suspicious. If he does not fulfill his duty, he dies of his suppressed longings the following night.


1) To compensate for the disadvantage, you can e.g. additionally play with a “witch with tic” which must also say “werewolf” during the first day.
2) In large rounds, the condition to say the word can also be required each day until only ten or fewer players actively participate.

Hints for the game master and further rules

You have to be very attentive during the first day. Especially in experienced player groups, this is quite a disadvantage for the werewolves. If everyone makes sure not to say “werewolf”, it still slips across the lips of one or the other. In addition, there is also the angel…

Hints for using this in the app

If the werewolf with tic is in play, a note appears in the description of the day phase. In addition, the following night you are asked whether he has complied with his urge.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Wait for the right moment to say “werewolf”. You can i.e. let it slip out during the general discussion or during an indictment.


  • Witch: If the werewolf with tic is in play, the witch must also say the word “werewolf” during the first discussion.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes a werewolf with tic, she only has to say “werewolf” on the first day if she gets the identity before or during the first day, but not after the final first vote.