
Kill all werewolves. Sees the victim of the werewolves every night. May heal this victim once per game. Can kill a player of her choice once per game.

Detailed description

During weeks of rituals at the Druid Congress, the witch produced two special potions: the healing potion, which can once again bring the victim of the werewolves or the big bad wolf back to life, and a poisonous brew, which she can serve to a sleeping person once per game which then dies the following morning. She can use both potions in the same night.


1) The witch may only use one of her potions in the entire game, but may freely choose which one.

Hints for the game master and further rules

Even if the witch has already used her potions, she still wakes up each night and sees the victim(s) of the werewolves. Always ask her if she wants to use her potions. If she tries to use a potion she has already used, you can i.e. cross your arms to show an X or otherwise indicate that this is not possible.

Hints for using this in the app

​As soon as the witch is assigned to a player, they receive two potions shown as attributes that disappear as soon as they are used. You may set the number of potions in the card settings.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Save the potions as long as possible to achieve the best effect possible.


  • Protector: The witch also gets protected people shown as victims of the werewolves, so she can waste her healing potion here.
  • Blinking girl: The witch’s healing potion will not help the blinking girl if she was discovered by the werewolves. However, she is still shown to the witch as a victim of the werewolves, so the witch can waste her healing potion.
  • Noble knight: If the noble knight is healed by the witch’s healing potion, no werewolf dies. As a variant, you can also play this differently.
  • Lonesome wolf: The victim of the lonesome wolf is also shown to the witch.
  • Owl: The witch only points at the victim of the werewolves if she heals it.
  • Trapper: If the werewolves attack a victim with a set up trap and the witch heals it, the werewolf left of the trapper dies while the victim survives.
    If the witch tries to kill someone with a set up trap, she succeeds and doesn’t die since the trap is already deconstructed.
    If the player with the trap becomes the victim of the werewolves and the witch kills the werewolf to the left of the trapper at the same time, only this werewolf dies and the trapper still looses her ability.
  • Big bad wolf: The victim of the big bad wolf is also shown to the witch.
  • Mistress: Visited persons are also displayed as victims of the werewolves to the witch. If she uses the healing potion on such a victim, the mistress does not die.
    If the mistress is chosen directly as a victim but is not at home, she is still displayed to the witch, the healing potion can then be wasted.
    The witch’s poisonous potion affects both the mistress and the visited person if the target of the potion is visited. If the witch tries to kill the mistress directly, the mistress will not die if she is not at home, and the poisonous potion will be wasted.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the witch, she again receives both potions.
  • Actor: If the actor can choose the witch as his identity, he may also use each potion only once during the entire course of the game.
  • Black Cat: If the black cat is in the game without a witch, it does not wake up at night and is virtually a normal villager.
  • Wise old man: If the witch heals the wise old man, although he still has his innate protection, he still retains this protection.
  • Werewolf with tic: If the werewolf with tic is in play, the witch must also say the word “werewolf” during the first discussion.