Black Cat

Kill all werewolves. Wakes up together with the witch each night and can observe her decisions.

Detailed description

No place feels more like home to the black cat than the laboratory of the witch, who has been feeding and spoiling it for years. Therefore, it senses when its master wakes up and is able to roam the village by her side and thus learns what the witch is doing. The black cat may even quietly try to influence the witch. Once her master is dead, she must sleep in the streets and does not wake up at night.


1) The black cat and the witch only recognize each other on the first night, but the black cat sleeps through while the witch wakes up.

Hints for the game master and further rules

In the extra scene for the black cat during the first night, you can briefly recognize it.

Hints for using this in the app

Depending on whether the game has been started by random assignment, the black cat may or may not be called first before the witch so it can be recognized. During the witch scene, both will be called.
However, if you play with the variant that the black cat only knows the witch but does not wake up with her, the two are only called together on the first night, after which the witch is called as usual.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

You have powerful knowledge! Try to back up the witch in the discussion and protect surviving victims of the werewolves.


  • Pyromaniac: If the black cat is burned out, it does not wake up together with the witch.
    If the witch is burned out while the black cat is in play, she will not wake up either.
    Note: This may result in a non-waking witch on the first night.
  • Witch: If the black cat is in the game without a witch, it does not wake up at night and is virtually a normal villager.
  • Primeval wolf: An infected black cat continues to wake up with the witch.
  • Yeti: If the black cat is frozen, it will not wake up together with the witch.
    If the witch is frozen while the black cat is in play, she will also not wake up.
    Note: This may result in a non-waking witch on the first night in some circumstances.