Primeval Wolf

Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up with the werewolves every night. May infect the victim of the werewolves once during the game so it becomes a werewolf instead of dying.

Detailed description

The primeval wolf wakes up a second time after searching for a victim with the other werewolves. As the one who infected the original pack, he can choose to infect the actual victim of the werewolves once during the game, which will make it join the pack instead of dying. The victim retains all of his or her original abilities.


If the infected victim is protected by the protector,
1) either the game master can pretend that an infection is taking place even though nothing happens or
2) the game master announces that the primeval wolf is trying to infect a protected victim, and he receives another attempt for another night. Depending on the distribution of villagers and the werewolves, a balancing variant should be chosen.

Hints for the game master and further rules

It is particularly important that none of the players know who you are tapping.

Hints for using this in the app

A special piece of music is played while the primeval wolf roams. As soon as the “Infected” attribute is assigned, it changes so that it is also acoustically clear to everyone that an infection has taken place. Thus, you should assign it before you go around the circle to tap the infected one, and assign it even if the infection fails (and remove it immediately afterwards). You may turn this behaviour off by muting the music in the card description.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

As the primeval wolf you can cause a lot of confusion in the village! It’s best to find someone to infect who has already proven her- or himself useful to the village.


  • Cupid: The ability to infect remains even if the primeval wolf is in love. If a person in love is infected, they still remains in love.
  • Protector: If the primeval wolf tries to infect a protected person, the infection fails, but he does not lose his ability. As a variant, you can also play this so that the primeval Wolf then loses its ability.
  • Blinking girl: While the lonesome is awake, the blinking girl is not allowed to spy.
    If the werewolves spotted her, she may still be infected.
  • Bear commander: If the bear commander is infected, the bear growls every following morning.
    If one of the neighbors is infected, he growls as well.
  • Doge: Since the doge wakes up after the primeval wolf, he also recognizes a victim infected in the first night as a werewolf.
  • Three musketeers: Infected Musketeers continue to wake up along with the others.
  • Noble knight: If the primeval wolf infects the noble knight, the knight joins the werewolves and no werewolf is killed by his blade.
  • Lonesome wolf: Infected werewolves may be devoured by the lonesome wolf even in the night they were infected.
  • Owl: The primeval wolf always points at the victim of the werewolves. Infected players only point at the victim of the werewolves in the nights following the infection
  • Trapper: If the primeval wolf tries to infect a trapped victim, the infection is successful, but still, the werewolf to the trapper’s left (not the infected person) dies and the trapper looses her abilities.
    If the trapper is infected, she must still build a trap every night until she is successful.
  • Pyromaniac: If the primeval wolf is burned, it loses its ability to infect.
  • Fox: Infected persons immediately count as werewolves for the fox.
  • Fallen angel: If the fallen angel is infected on the first night, he still has the goal of dying in the first vote. After that he is a normal werewolf.
  • Big bad wolf: The big bad wolf also loses its ability when the infected person dies.
  • Mistress: If the primeval wolf tries to infect the mistress directly while she is away, he loses his ability and no one is infected.
    In contrast, if he infects a victim who is being visited, the mistress is infected instead.
  • Jester: If the jester is infected, he will now die by vote, effectively becoming a normal werewolf. The jester can not be infected after he lost his right to vote.
  • Revealed soul: The revealed soul can be infected by the primeval wolf normally.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the primeval wolf, she can infect a victim only if the primeval wolf has not already done so.
  • Black Cat: An infected black cat continues to wake up with the witch.
  • Seeress: The infected victim is recognized by the seeress already in the night of the infection.
  • Spirit: An infected player is always a werewolf.
  • Scapegoat: If the scapegoat is infected, it still dies if the vote is tied and can still silence a portion of the village (benefiting the werewolves).
  • Wise old man: If the wise old man is still protected by his toughness and the primeval wolf tries to infect him, the infection fails and the primeval wolf loses its ability to further do so. Of course, the wise old man loses his toughness in the process.
  • Wolf shaman: The wolf shaman wakes up after the primeval wolf, so it can hide the infected person already in the night of infection
  • Yeti: If the primeval wolf is frozen, it cannot infect anyone that night.
  • Twins: Infected twins continue to wake up.