Revealed Soul

Kill all werewolves. Identity is visible to everyone. Sleeps through.

Detailed description

At the start of the game (and without the primeval wolf for the entire game), everyone knows that she is just a simple villager because her identity card is dealt face up. This makes her a prime candidate for the mayor. The werewolves, on the other hand, have to weigh up – do they kill the revealed soul, or do they prefer someone who may have profitable skills for the village?

Hints for using this in the app

The revealed soul can be assigned during the first day.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Offer yourself as a candidate for mayor and lead the discussions – after all, nobody can suspect you being a werewolf.


  • Cupid: As a variant, you can also combine the revealed soul and Cupid in one card.
  • Opportunist: The opportunist can take over the identity of the revealed soul if it dies just as any other card.
  • Primeval wolf: The revealed soul can be infected by the primeval wolf normally.