
Can choose a new identity at the beginning of the game. Then has to fulfil the goal of this identity.

Detailed description

If the shapeshifter is in play, two additional character cards have to be shuffled in. When dealt, these are placed face down in the middle of the game round. With the art of identity theft being his business model, the shapeshifter can use his skill during the first night to look at the additional cards, and exchange his card with one of the two. This gives him the privilege of knowing which cards are not in play. If two cards from the werewolf faction are revealed, though, he is horrified to discover that he is under the spell of lycanthropy, and he can no longer cancel the selection. Otherwise, he may not take any identity and continue playing as a normal villager.


1) The number of identities available can be varied .
2) The maximum identities available for the shapeshifter are drawn from a pre-selection of the cards before they are handed out. This can ensure that no essential characters are missing. The cards not drawn from the pre-selection can then be shuffled among the remaining cards.

Hints for the game master and further rules

When holding up the cards, make sure that the shapeshifter can recognize the cards, but don’t talk in his direction.

Hints for using this in the app

If you start the game using the app’s random card distribution, you can simply show the shapeshifter the non-distributed cards in full screen. The new identity is selected by tapping on it, and will automatically be assigned to the player. If the cards are dealt manually, the game master can determine which cards currently are in the middle and also display and select them for display in full screen.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Your choice will decisively influence the game. You have the advantage that you can pretend to be one of the neglected characters without consequences. As a werewolf, for example, you can pretend to be the seeress and no one will be able to disagree with you.


  • Cupid: The shapeshifter chooses his identity before Cupid shoots his arrows.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the shapeshifter because the shapeshifter did not choose one of the two identities, she is a normal villager from now on. If the game master chooses to leave the room with her, they can name her the spured identities.
  • Wolfhound: If the shapeshifter becomes a wolfhound, he may choose again afterwards.