
Kill all werewolves. Does not die if elected by vote, but loses voting rights. Sleeps through.

Detailed description

The jester reveals himself as soon as he is determined to die through the village’s vote. Because he acts very clumsily going up to the gallows, the villagers stop the execution immediately. This way he can continue to live and take part in the discussions. However, the village decides that such a fool as the jester should no longer have the right to vote. In order for the werewolves to win, he has to be killed again. If the jester dies as a result of something other than voting or after he has lost his right to vote, he will be excluded from the game as usual.

Hints for using this in the app

When the jester dies, you have the option to specify that he has been killed by the village. In this case, he will not actually die but receive the attribute “Lost his right to vote”.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

You can really express yourself in the discussions because your death by vote has such little consequence – use that to convey all your thoughts. If the opportunist is in the game, be sure to quickly reveal your identity if you die from the vote, so she doesn’t accidentally reveal herself.


  • Cupid: If the jester falls in love and is chosen in the vote and therefore does not really die, his love does not die either.
  • Hunter: If the hunter shoots the jester, the jester does not survive.
  • Opportunist: If the jester dies via vote, he must reveal his identity and survives without voting rights, even if the opportunist is in play. If he dies otherwise, the opportunist can take over his identity.
  • Judge: If the jester dies in the additional voting coming from the judge, he also survives and loses his right to vote.
  • Primeval wolf: If the jester is infected, he will now die by vote, effectively becoming a normal werewolf. The jester can not be infected after he lost his right to vote.