
Kill all villagers together with the other werewolves. Wakes up once during night and (together with the other werewolves) silently chooses a victim among the villagers by pointing at them.

Detailed description

Under the influence of the moonlight they turn into voracious beasts. To satisfy their appetite, they devour an innocent villager each night.

Hints for the game master and further rules

If the werewolves are taking too much time and are divided about their decision, don’t hesitate to log in the majority decision or to simply cancel their hunt so there won’t be any victims this night.

Hints for using this in the app

The sounds associated with the werewolf-scene offer the biggest variety – we recommend that you listen to them before starting the game so you can mute the ones not fitting your style.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

As a werewolf, always try to hunt down the special characters that are most valuable for the village and most dangerous to you – often the seeress reveals herself by overly protecting someone or by directly accusing a werewolf.


  • Cupid: The goal of werewolves in love is to win together with their dearest no matter the faction the latter belongs to.
  • Pyromaniac: Pyromaniac and werewolves recognize each other in the first night.
    Being burned has no effect on werewolves.
    The pyromaniac can not win without any werewolves being alive.
  • Fox: If the victim of the werewolves is among the three people the fox chooses, it still counts as a ‘living’ villager.
  • Big bad wolf: If the first werewolf dies before the end of the night, the big bad wolf can still use his ability that night.
  • Werewolf: The werewolves can choose each other as victims with a clear majority. This is useful and advisable if the lonesome wolf or a pair of lovers are in the game.
  • Yeti: If the Yeti is in the game, the werewolves wake up to recognize it before they select their first victim, but the yeti does not get to know the werewolves.
    Freezing has no effect on werewolves.
    The yeti can not win without any werewolves being alive.