
Kill all werewolves. If the result of a vote is a tie, he dies instead. In this case he may silence parts of the village for the next vote. Sleeps through.

Detailed description

The scapegoat always lived a secluded life. When seeing how awkward the village handling the werewolf-problem, he decides to sacrifice himself. If the result of a village vote is a tie, the scapegoat dies instead of the two elected people (even if the mayor’s vote would have clarified the result). In this case, the scapegoat is free to choose the persons he considers capable of taking part in the vote the following day.

Hints for the game master and further rules

If the scapegoat dies in another way, he cannot use this ability.

Hints for using this in the app

If the scapegoat dies, the “Silenced” attribute will appear in the attribute bar. Using this, the game master can store the selection until the next day.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

If you unfortunately die from a tie, use your ability cleverly: If you only select one person, there is a risk that that there will be no vote the following day if they die. On the other hand, this can also give the village references to whom could be werewolves.


  • Pyromaniac: A burned scapegoat becomes a normal villager. Thus it also no longer dies in the event of a tie.
  • Fallen angel: If there is a tie in the first vote between the angel and another player, the scapegoat still triggers and dies, the angel does not win.
  • Hunter: If the hunter shoots the scapegoat, the scapegoat may not use its ability.
  • Nun: The nun can silence others in addition to those silenced by the scapegoat for the upcoming vote.
  • Opportunist: The opportunist cannot become the scapegoat if it dies due to a tie vote.
  • Raven: The two additional votes by the indictment letter count toward a tie.
  • Judge: While the judge is silenced, he may not call for an additional vote.
  • Primeval wolf: If the scapegoat is infected, it still dies if the vote is tied and can still silence a portion of the village (benefiting the werewolves).