
Kill all werewolves. Only wakes up during the first night to find out how many werewolves are in one half of the village.

Detailed description

After a long and demanding life in distant Italy, the doge has now returned to the village to relax. The moment he hears about the werewolves, he sends out spies. He wakes up after the werewolves in the first night and is allowed to split the village into two parts of about the same size. To do this, he points at the gaps where he would like to have the division. The game master then shows (silently) how many werewolves are currently located in one of these parts. The doge always gets to know the current status.


1) The game master can tell the village where the village was divided.
2) The game master can determine the subdivision before the game begins.
3) The doge ability can be used once at any point in the game instead of just in the first night.

Hints for the game master and further rules

Make sure by using hand signals that you have understood the subdivision correctly. Then point to one of the two parts with one hand and say e.g. “There are this many werewolves in this half” while you show the number with your other hand.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

It doesn’t really help (at least at the beginning) if you know that there are about the same number of werewolves in both parts. The longer the game lasts, the clearer and more valuable your information becomes. So keep yourself covered until you can help the village unerringly.


  • Owl: The owl does not recognize where the doge has pointed during the night.
  • Pyromaniac: The pyromaniac is not recognized as a werewolf by the doge.
  • Actor: As an identity of the actor, the doge can also be chosen at a later time than the first night. In this case, we recommend that you simply announce the assumed identity out loud, so that you don’t always have to do this.
  • Primeval wolf: Since the doge wakes up after the primeval wolf, he also recognizes a victim infected in the first night as a werewolf.
  • Wolfhound: The doge recognizes the wolfhound as a werewolf only if it has decided to be one.
  • Wolf child: The doge does not recognize the wolf child as a werewolf, because the role model can only have died in the same night.
  • Wolf shaman: The werewolf hidden by the wolf shaman is not visible for the count of the Doge.
  • Yeti: The yeti is not recognized as a werewolf by the doge.