
Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and gets to choose a player to learn who they pointed at, but not the same player two nights in a row.

Detailed description

The owl has always been known to review the night early in the morning. It does so with such finesse that it can sense which villagers couldn’t keep still during the night. Unfortunately, there is one catch: it has absolutely no information about what exactly happened. Was it a werewolf that hunted down an innocent victim, or was it the unfortunate seeress who simply wanted to know what the victim’s faction was?

Hints for the game master and further rules

First consider what card the scouted person has. What abilities are connected with that card, and who did the player point to that night because of those abilities? The app will help you with that task.

Hints for using this in the app

If the attribute ‘Scouted’ is given to a player, a display with all players the scouted person pointed to is shown in full screen.
Please contact us via our website should you find a case where this does not work as expected.
The person scouted the previous night automatically receives the attribute “Scouted last night\

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Don’t jump to conclusions; The player who pointed to two people on the first night could be Cupid, the witch, the big bad wolf, or even the pied piper. Also, especially on nights where no one dies, you have few clues as to what might have happened. However, if the person you spied didn’t have anyone in their sights, you can be sure that they weren’t a werewolf that night at least.


  • Doge: The owl does not recognize where the doge has pointed during the night.
  • Three musketeers: The musketeers do not point at anybody during the night.
  • Fox: While the fox gains information about three players, the owl only sees whom the fox pointed at directly.
  • Witch: The witch only points at the victim of the werewolves if she heals it.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the owl, she may freely choose whom to protect the following night.
  • Actor: The actor points at different persons depending on his identity. The involved identities should be understood well.
  • Primeval wolf: The primeval wolf always points at the victim of the werewolves. Infected players only point at the victim of the werewolves in the nights following the infection
  • Wolf child: In the first night, the owl can see whom the wolf child has chosen as their role model. Only after the wolf child has mutated, it points at the victim of the werewolves.
  • Wolf shaman: The wolf shaman points at both the victim of the werewolves and the hidden werewolf during the night.
    The hidden werewolf does not point at the victim of the werewolves that night.
  • Twins: The twins do not point at anybody during the night.