
Kill all werewolves. Wakes up every night and may set a question and a medium which reads the question out aloud in the beginning of the day, which is then answered by the game master. These questions yield information about werewolves. May not choose the same player as medium in two consecutive nights.

Detailed description

With a certain sense of the supernatural, the spirit can use her powers every night. If she does this, she will be asked three questions to choose from by showing a 1, 2 or 3 with her hand. Then she points at a player who should ask this question as a medium. At the beginning of the following day, this player must read the question aloud. The player who was eliminated first, or alternatively the game master, then answers this question with “yes”, “no” or an according answer, which provides attractive information about the werewolves. If the medium dies during the night, no information is gained for the village.


1) The ability can only be used every other night or is limited to a certain number.

Hints for the game master and further rules

The spirit may choose herself, but not the same player for two nights in a row as the medium. You can also use the questions provided to adjust the strength of the village during the game. Read the questions out loud for everyone to understand. Once one question has been chosen, think about the answer and be prepared for questions about borderline cases.

Hints for using this in the app

In the spirit scene, tapping on the question mark in the attribute bar first lets you select a set (structured according to how much it benefits the village) of three questions each. These are then displayed to be read out aloud, and one of them can be selected. At the beginning of the next day a hint appears, which can be used to show the question to the medium in full screen.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Always think about which question may currently be most valuable for the village. With questions like “Am I a werewolf?” you can expose suspicious players or show that you are harmless by casting yourself as the medium.


  • Lonesome wolf: The lonesome wolf does count as a werewolf but does not belong to the faction of the werewolves.
  • Pyromaniac: The pyromaniac is not a werewolf but belongs to the faction of the werewolves.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the spirit, she is free to choose who she wants to designate to become medium the following night.
  • Primeval wolf: An infected player is always a werewolf.
  • Wolfhound: The wolf hound does not count as a werewolf and doesn’t belong to their faction as long as he has chosen to belong to the village.
  • Wolf child: The wolf child only counts as a werewolf if its role model has died prior to the answering of the question.
  • Wolf shaman: Hidden werewolves do not count as werewolves for the purposes of the questions, but still have a werewolf card.
  • Yeti: The yeti does not count as a werewolf but belongs to their faction.