
Kill all werewolves. Builds a trap in front of a player’s house every night until she is successful. If the werewolves choose the player with the trap as a victim, the nearest werewolf to her left dies. She may not choose the same player two nights in a row.

Detailed description

Always skilled with the shovel, the trapper can dig a trap in front of the house of a person of her choice every night. If the werewolves choose a victim there, the werewolf sitting closest to the trapper’s left will be killed. The remaining werewolves can bypass the trap after this accident and still devour the victim, unless it is protected, visited etc. After the roaming of the werewolves, the trap is removed.
The village does not receive information on the cause of the werewolves’ death.
As soon as the trapper has been successful and kills a werewolf with her trap, the remaining werewolves are more cautious and future traps become useless. The trapper will still be called to wake up.


1) After the loss of one of their cronies the werewolves are allowed to find another victim in such a night.
2) The mistress, the protector and the witch can unfortunately also fall into the trap and die.
3) The trapper is so exhausted after building the trap that she can only become active every other night.
4) Instead of the werewolf to her left, a random werewolf dies upon falling into the trap.

Hints for the game master and further rules

The trapper may also set up a trap in front of her own house, but never two nights in a row with the same person.
Be aware of the special interactions with other cards like the primeval wolf or the protector, if they are in the game.
If the trapper has lost her ability, her scene will still be called. You may then show her that she has lost the ability in full screen.

Hints for using this in the app

If a trapped player is chosen by the werewolves, a query appears in the beginning of the day so that the trapper’s victim (i. e. the werewolf on her left) can be chosen.
If the order of the players corresponds to the real order, the werewolf to her left will be suggested.
The big bad wolf or the white werewolf, on the other hand, will automatically become the trapper’s victim, and their victim will not die.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

In the first night, it can’t hurt to farm yourself first. Afterwards you should place a trap in front of the houses of probable werewolf victims… You can’t save them, but at least a werewolf will get killed at the same time.


  • Protector: If a person is protected while a trap is built in front of their house, they do not die.
    Still, a werewolf will fall into the trap and the trapper looses her ability.
  • Noble knight: If a trap is set up in front of the noble knight and he becomes a victim of the werewolves, the werewolf to the left of the trapper dies directly while the werewolf to the left of the noble knight dies after the following night.
    If both of them target the same werewolf, no additional werewolf dies.
  • Lonesome wolf: If a trap is set up in front of a werewolf that the lonesome wolf devours, it kills the lonesome wolf. This night, its victim does not die eigher.
  • Big bad wolf: If the werewolves attack a victim with a trap in front, the werewolf to the left of the trapper gets killed.
    If this is the first werewolf overall, the big bad wolf may still choose another victim that night.
    If the big bad wolf attacks a victim with a trapped house, it dies and the victim survives.
  • Witch: If the werewolves attack a victim with a set up trap and the witch heals it, the werewolf left of the trapper dies while the victim survives.
    If the witch tries to kill someone with a set up trap, she succeeds and doesn’t die since the trap is already deconstructed.
    If the player with the trap becomes the victim of the werewolves and the witch kills the werewolf to the left of the trapper at the same time, only this werewolf dies and the trapper still looses her ability.
  • Mistress: If a trap is set up in front of the mistress while she is not at home, and the werewolves attack her directly, the werewolf to the trapper’s left dies that night, but the mistress does not.
    If a trap is set up in front of a visited person and they become a victim, the mistress and the werewolf to the left of the trapper die.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the trapper, she is free to choose where to set up her trap the following night, and regains the ability if it was lost before.
  • Primeval wolf: If the primeval wolf tries to infect a trapped victim, the infection is successful, but still, the werewolf to the trapper’s left (not the infected person) dies and the trapper looses her abilities.
    If the trapper is infected, she must still build a trap every night until she is successful.
  • Wolf child: If the wolf child mutates the same night that a victim with a trap in front of it is caught, it does not yet count as a full werewolf.
  • Wolf shaman: A hidden werewolf can still fall into the trap of the trapper.