Wise Old Man

Kill all werewolves. Wakes up during the first night to show himself to the game master. Survives one werewolf attack. If he is killed by the vote of the village, all villagers lose their abilities.

Detailed description

The wise old man has gone through so much over the course of his life that even the bite of the werewolves cannot impress him. The first time they try to kill him through an attack, the werewolves and the big bad wolf fail. This first time, he also can’t be infected by the primeval wolf. It is only on the second attempt by the werewolves that he actually dies or can be infected. However, if the wise old man is killed by vote during the day, all special villagers lose their abilities and will only be able to counteract the werewolves through voting.


1) The abilities of the village are lost even if the old man dies from the poisonous potion of the witch or from being shot by the hunter.

Hints for the game master and further rules

It is very easy to forget that the wise old man cannot be killed by werewolves once, so always have a second thought about the victim of the werewolves.

Hints for using this in the app

Unless he is protected or healed, the wise old man receives the attribute “Already eaten” as soon as the werewolves bite him for the first time. He won’t die automatically that night either. If the “Dead” attribute is assigned to him, the game master can specify whether all villagers will lose their abilities.
Caution: In this case, all players with abilities (witch, bear commander etc.) become normal villagers and won’t be called in the the following nights!

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Try to present yourself to the werewolves as if you know something – and be careful not to appear too suspicious in the discussion groups – otherwise the village is going to have a really hard time.


  • Protector: If the wise old man simultaneously protects and falls victim to the werewolves while having his innate protection, he retains it.
  • Pyromaniac: If the wise old man is burned, he loses his innate protection from the werewolves. If he then dies in the vote, however, no villagers lose their abilities either.
  • Witch: If the witch heals the wise old man, although he still has his innate protection, he still retains this protection.
  • Hunter: If the hunter shoots the wise old man, the villagers still keep their abilities.
  • Mistress: If the mistress visits the wise old man, she dies if the werewolves choose him as a victim. In this case, he retains his innate ability to survive if he still has it.
  • Opportunist: If the wise old man dies in the vote, he reveals his identity independently of the opportunist and all villagers lose their abilities. If the opportunist becomes the wise old man, she gets his toughness, but the village now also loses its abilities if she is chosen to die by vote.
  • Primeval wolf: If the wise old man is still protected by his toughness and the primeval wolf tries to infect him, the infection fails and the primeval wolf loses its ability to further do so. Of course, the wise old man loses his toughness in the process.
  • Yeti: If the wise old man is chosen as a victim by the werewolves on a night when he is frozen, he dies directly, independent of him still having his toughness.