
Kill all werewolves. Wakes up each night and chooses a player where she spends it, but not two nights in a row at the same player. If the visited player is devoured by the werewolves, she dies instead. Can not be devoured directly.

Detailed description

The feisty mistress is known throughout the whole village. Every day she chooses a person with whom she would like to spend the night. Thus she cannot be killed if she is chosen as a victim by the werewolves directly. However, if the player with whom the mistress spends the night is attacked by the werewolves, she is the one who is caught instead.


1) If the werewolves choose the visited player, both the visited player and the mistress die. In this case, there can also be two infected people.
2) The witch can only catch the mistress with her deathly potion at the place where she is staying.

Hints for the game master and further rules

The mistress may visit herself, but not the same player in two consecutive nights.

Hints for using this in the app

The person visited the previous night automatically receives the attribute “Visited last night”.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Try to visit potential werewolves to maximize your chances of survival at night.


  • Protector: If the protector protects the mistress directly, she is not at home and therefore not protected. However, if she spends the night with a protected person, both are protected.
  • Blinking girl: If the blinking girl is visited and discovered while spying, she dies as well as the mistress. The witch’s potion or other protection can still protect the mistress.
  • Lonesome wolf: If the werewolf devoured by the lonesome wolf is visited, the lover is caught instead of the werewolf.
  • Trapper: If a trap is set up in front of the mistress while she is not at home, and the werewolves attack her directly, the werewolf to the trapper’s left dies that night, but the mistress does not.
    If a trap is set up in front of a visited person and they become a victim, the mistress and the werewolf to the left of the trapper die.
  • Witch: Visited persons are also displayed as victims of the werewolves to the witch. If she uses the healing potion on such a victim, the mistress does not die.
    If the mistress is chosen directly as a victim but is not at home, she is still displayed to the witch, the healing potion can then be wasted.
    The witch’s poisonous potion affects both the mistress and the visited person if the target of the potion is visited. If the witch tries to kill the mistress directly, the mistress will not die if she is not at home, and the poisonous potion will be wasted.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the mistress, she is free to choose whom to visit the following night.
  • Primeval wolf: If the primeval wolf tries to infect the mistress directly while she is away, he loses his ability and no one is infected.
    In contrast, if he infects a victim who is being visited, the mistress is infected instead.
  • Wise old man: If the mistress visits the wise old man, she dies if the werewolves choose him as a victim. In this case, he retains his innate ability to survive if he still has it.