Noble Knight

Kill all werewolves. If victim of a werewolf attack, the werewolf on his left dies after the following night. Sleeps through.

Detailed description

To the left of his bed the noble knight keeps a relic from long gone adventure-filled times. If he is target of a werewolf attack during the night, he dies, but he wounds the next werewolf to his left, which will succumb to its injuries at the end of the following night, but can continue to play the day and night as usual. If the primeval wolf tries to infect the knight, the knight dies anyway. Instead of the werewolf on his left, the primeval wolf is caught after the following night. If the knight dies from other causes, nobody else dies.


1) If the hunter or the witch kill the knight directly, the knight will catch them as well.

Hints for the game master and further rules

Think about the werewolf to the left of the knight as early as possible so the information is not accidentally passed on.

Hints for using this in the app

If the knight dies, the game master has the opportunity to choose his victim from the active werewolves. This option should only be clicked if the knight was actually the victim of the werewolves. If the “Automatic dying” setting is active, the selected wolf will then die at the beginning of the following day. Otherwise, the attribute “Victim of the knight” is to be understood as a reminder.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

Hold back during the discussions – you will be of greatest benefit to the village if the werewolves catch you.


  • Protector: If the noble knight is protected, he does not die, but he also does not kill a werewolf.
  • Trapper: If a trap is set up in front of the noble knight and he becomes a victim of the werewolves, the werewolf to the left of the trapper dies directly while the werewolf to the left of the noble knight dies after the following night.
    If both of them target the same werewolf, no additional werewolf dies.
  • Pyromaniac: The pyromaniac does not count as a neighboring werewolf of the noble knight. If the knight is burned, no werewolf dies after his death.
  • Big bad wolf: If the big bad wolf devours the noble knight, it will be killed after the following night instead of the werewolf to the knight’s left.
  • Witch: If the noble knight is healed by the witch’s healing potion, no werewolf dies. As a variant, you can also play this differently.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes the noble knight, no werewolf dies, even though the original noble knight has died.
  • Primeval wolf: If the primeval wolf infects the noble knight, the knight joins the werewolves and no werewolf is killed by his blade.
  • Wolf child: If the wolf child mutates the night the noble knight becomes a victim, it does not count as a werewolf yet.
  • Wolf shaman: The noble knight can hurt a werewolf independent of it being hidden.
  • Yeti: The yeti does not count as a neighboring werewolf of the noble knight. If the knight is frozen the night he becomes a victim, no werewolf dies after his death.