Big Bad Wolf

Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up with the werewolves each night. Can choose a second victim each night until the first werewolf is dead.

Detailed description

The big bad wolf is so hungry at night that after waking up with the other werewolves, he can devour another villager (but not a werewolf). However, as soon as an active werewolf is killed, his appetite vanishes and he becomes a normal werewolf.

Hints for the game master and further rules

During the first night, do not hesitate to reexplain how this beast works.

Hints for using this in the app

The big bad wolf should no longer be called automatically once the first werewolf has died.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

You drew a very powerful card – take extra care that the other werewolves are not caught so you can use your advantage as long as possible.


  • Protector: The attacks of the big bad wolf cannot harm a protected victim.
  • Blinking girl: While the big bad wolf is awake, the blinking girl is not allowed to spy. Therefore, it can also always be protected or healed from his attacks.
  • Noble knight: If the big bad wolf devours the noble knight, it will be killed after the following night instead of the werewolf to the knight’s left.
  • Trapper: If the werewolves attack a victim with a trap in front, the werewolf to the left of the trapper gets killed.
    If this is the first werewolf overall, the big bad wolf may still choose another victim that night.
    If the big bad wolf attacks a victim with a trapped house, it dies and the victim survives.
  • Pyromaniac: If the big bad wolf is burned, he can no longer hunt alone. If the pyromaniac dies, it has no effect on the ability of the big bad wolf.
  • Witch: The victim of the big bad wolf is also shown to the witch.
  • Primeval wolf: The big bad wolf also loses its ability when the infected person dies.
  • Werewolf: If the first werewolf dies before the end of the night, the big bad wolf can still use his ability that night.
  • Wolfhound: When the wolfhound dies and was a werewolf, the big bad wolf loses its ability after the night is over.
  • Wolf child: When the wolf child dies and was already mutated, the big bad wolf loses its ability.
  • Wolf shaman: Even if a werewolf that dies was hidden, the big bad wolf loses its ability.
  • Yeti: If the big bad wolf is frozen, it cannot go hunting alone that night. If the yeti dies, it has no effect on the ability of the big bad wolf.