
Kill all villagers together with the werewolves. Wakes up every night and is allowed to freeze one person. Doesn’t wake up with the werewolves, but they know of each other.

Detailed description

As a distant relative of the werewolves with equally impressive chest hair, the yeti tries to help out its friends using his powers. It wins the game together with the werewolves, but does not wake up with them. Every night it is allowed to freeze someone who is then denied to use their skills for the duration of the current night.


1) The frozen player must also remain silent during the discussion and may not vote.
2) The frozen player is protected from any attacks at night.
3) The frozen player is not tapped.
4) The frozen player is announced by the game master.

Hints for the game master and further rules

The frozen player is tapped right after the yeti has gone back to sleep.
The yeti may freeze itself (without effect), but not the same player for two nights in a row. The frozen player will thaw in time such that they can take part in the discussion and are not affected during the day.
In the first night, the werewolves and the yeti wake up together.

Hints for using this in the app

The player frozen in the last night automatically receives the attribute “Frozen last night”. If the yeti has frozen a player, in the respective scene a message and the option to tap “Frozen” in the attribute bar appear. By tapping it, a reminding message for the player is displayed in full screen.

Hints for you if you’re playing this character

As the yeti you have the difficult task of winning together with the werewolves without knowing who they are, so keep your eyes open and try to freeze the players who seem to be helping the village.


  • Cupid: If Cupid is frozen in the first night, he and the lover are called, but no lover can be determined. In the case he falls in love love, the yeti must also try to win together with his love.
  • Bear commander: If the bear commander is frozen, no growl will be heard even if one of the commander’s neighbors is a werewolf.
    The bear commander’s bear does not recognize the yeti as a werewolf.
  • Doge: The yeti is not recognized as a werewolf by the doge.
  • Three musketeers: Frozen musketeers do not wake up together with the others that night.
  • Noble knight: The yeti does not count as a neighboring werewolf of the noble knight. If the knight is frozen the night he becomes a victim, no werewolf dies after his death.
  • Lonesome wolf: If the yeti freezes the lonesome wolf, it cannot devour another werewolf that night. The lonesome wolf needs to kill the yeti to win the game but can’t do so during his additional night phase.
  • Pyromaniac: If the yeti is burned, it loses its ability to freeze. Yeti and pyromaniac do not know the identities of each other.
  • Fox: The yeti does not count as a werewolf for the fox.
  • Fallen angel: If the fallen angel is frozen, he can still win by dying in the first vote
  • Big bad wolf: If the big bad wolf is frozen, it cannot go hunting alone that night. If the yeti dies, it has no effect on the ability of the big bad wolf.
  • Hunter: If the hunter is frozen while dying during the night, he still has to shoot someone.
  • Opportunist: If the opportunist becomes a yeti, she may freely choose whom to freeze the following night.
    The opportunist cannot assume a new identity if she was frozen the previous night.
  • Black Cat: If the black cat is frozen, it will not wake up together with the witch.
    If the witch is frozen while the black cat is in play, she will also not wake up.
    Note: This may result in a non-waking witch on the first night in some circumstances.
  • Seeress: The seeress does not recognize the yeti as a werewolf.
  • Seer’s apprentice: If the seer’s apprentice is frozen in the first night, he will not know who the seeress was until she dies, but will then be able to continue her work.
  • Spirit: The yeti does not count as a werewolf but belongs to their faction.
  • Primeval wolf: If the primeval wolf is frozen, it cannot infect anyone that night.
  • Wise old man: If the wise old man is chosen as a victim by the werewolves on a night when he is frozen, he dies directly, independent of him still having his toughness.
  • Werewolf: If the Yeti is in the game, the werewolves wake up to recognize it before they select their first victim, but the yeti does not get to know the werewolves.
    Freezing has no effect on werewolves.
    The yeti can not win without any werewolves being alive.
  • Wolfhound: If the wolfhound is frozen in the first night, it can no longer decide on its fate and becomes a werewolf directly out of fright.
  • Wolf child: If the wolf child is frozen on the first night, it can no longer choose a role model and therefore lives on as a villager.
  • Wolf shaman: While the wolf shaman is frozen, it can’t hide anyone
  • Twins: A frozen twin does not wake up together with the other one that night.